breaking news

  • Green Gradient Newsroom Instagram Post template with Green, White and Black colors. This template package consists of 15 different and unique designs for Instagram posts and stories, available in PSD format file. This template is adjustable and customizable. You can edit the image, color, and text on the template based on your preference and taste by using Adobe Photoshop to fit your needs.

  • Green Bright Modern Geometric Newsroom Instagram template with Green, Yellow, White, Purple and Black colors. This template is available in Canva format only. It will provide you with 15 unique designs for Instagram posts and stories. You will get the link to the template in a PDF file. So, you can edit or customize the text, image, and color on the template using Canva to be more like your preference or your needs.

  • Turquoise Modern Photocentric Newsroom Instagram Template with Turquise, Gray, White and Black colors. This template package consists of 12 different and unique designs for Instagram posts and stories, available in PSD format file. This template is adjustable and customizable. You can edit the image, color, and text on the template based on your preference and taste by using Adobe Photoshop to fit your needs.

  • What makes you different from any other news Instagram out there? To be recognized and be the first to be visited by your readers and audience, you should be able to catch their attention from the very first moment. Pick our latest product, the Simple Retro News Instagram Template that will suit any news website, newspaper, tabloid, magazine or any other news media that needs a retro theme template.
