Illustration and photography are significant elements that can make a design work visually attractive and communicate information better. Each has its own benefits, pros and cons. People who love a clean and neat look may prefer using photographs. However, there’s a time that is better to use illustration. It is one of the reasons the illustrative design style is still in great demand today.
What Exactly is Illustrative Design Style?
There is no specific definition of a design style that uses illustration elements as highlights. It can be said that an illustrative design style is a design that makes illustration the main or highlight element. As Ghina, Peterdraw’s Creative Director, mentioned, this style helps give a clearer picture of the available written information. The shape of this design can be as simple as a logo or as complex as an event graphic.
In illustrative design style, illustration is the highlight supported by other elements.
How Illustrative Design Style Works for Your Content Marketing
Speaking of general context may only confuse. However, how if you apply the style to your content marketing? It will bring many benefits you cannot gain from non-illustrative design. Illustration can give a friendly vibe that shows how approachable you are. It can persuade, inform and, at the same time, influence your audience. Below are some aspects you can try to apply this design style to your content marketing strategy.
Abstract Concept
There are many times the idea you want to use for promotion and marketing is too abstract, or there’s no specific visual match. An illustrative design style can solve this problem. The results will be more personal because they are made according to your content marketing needs.
Sensitive Issues/Topic
Mental health, disease, trauma, and even disaster are not fun things to talk about. However, to increase awareness and educate people, like it or not, such topics should be discussed. Photographic implementation on the infographic or poster design will not help much since it will be unsettling and difficult for some people. The illustration is a great medium to create comfort to bring such sensitive topics up.
A storytelling strategy is the best way to connect deeper with your target. Moreover, when you use illustrations that support the storytelling, the impact will be greater. Make the best use of this illustrative design style so that your content marketing can better convey the story of your business.
Specific Style
Illustration has its own style that you can choose from, just like design. Therefore, an illustrative style can be the alternative when you want a certain design style. You can get 3D, watercolor, collage, abstract, and more illustration styles. Illustrations can produce fun and adorable designs. On the other hand, they can show something more extreme, serious, and bold.
Breaking the Communication Barrier
Conveying an idea to people with varying levels of communication tends to result in misunderstandings or misconceptions. Not to mention if the audiences have low literacy levels, their chances of reading alone are low. Illustration breaks all those communication barriers. It can deliver the same idea to people who don’t share the same method of communication. Hence, it can be a new way of communication.
Data Visualization
Forget the boring report or a crowded data set to look at. You can turn them into fascinating and attractive reading by transforming them into eye-catching infographics. Its popularity, which recently dominated, could be your chance to bring up dry topics to become more engaging.
Stand Out from the Competitor
The most important aspect and, of course, the ultimate goal of content marketing using an illustrative design style is to stand out from the competitor. The custom illustration design only for your business makes it more recognizable.
Where to Start Your Illustrative Design Style?
Applying a new style to your business marketing materials will definitely create a huge impact. However, there’s nothing wrong with trying new things for better results. Then, where can you start applying this design style to your content marketing?
Tips Sharing
Sharing tips on social media is becoming the most common content marketing. Adding illustrations will make followers more interested in the practical tips you share. These illustrations can provide additional information or clarify written information. Even so, there are also illustrations used to reinforce the theme. You can see this in the design of the parenting tips post.
Left: Illustration on each point – Image: Studio Delapan | Right: Illustration to emphasize the theme or focus of the content – Image: Studio Delapan
Business Promotion
Who said that promoting your business is only good with photographs? Illustrations are also good as business promotional materials. Even if it’s not an original photo, the product or service illustration you offer can make the audience who sees it even more curious. For some businesses, the illustration you use can give a friendlier vibe to your prospective clients or customers.
Gardening Service Promotion, looking cute right?Promoting zero waste movement while promoting your businessReal pictures or illustrations, food promotions that include food in the design are always temptingEven international or Asian food looking good in illustration
Event or Holiday Greeting
Educate your audience. Check! Promote your business? Check! Increase your presence on social media. You can do it by involving yourself actively in annual events or holidays. A simple greeting can increase your presence level. It also makes you easy to recognize. An illustrative design style is perfect to convey your sincere greetings, like these designs.
ThanksgivingVesak DayMother’s DayGood FridayKartini’s DayEarth DayShow your appreciation and tolerance to increase your value
Social Media Header/Banner/Cover
Some social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, allow users to customize the header, banner, or cover. You can use this feature as part of your content marketing. This strategy is perfect for sessional promotions or offers. However, if you are not a fan of changing banners or headers frequently, post content with information that will not change, such as contact info or your business name.
Illustrative enough to be a Halloween promotion, right? – Image: Maea StudioCombining abstract element with chemistry-related illustration – Image: PeterdrawDifferent kind of illustrative style. Upper: Halloween Vibe Characters | Below: Abstract & Related Element
Video Thumbnail
Creating a full illustration video will take so much time. As a beginner in using illustrative design style, you can start from the cover or thumbnail part. People usually combine the illustration with the photograph to create a cover or thumbnail for a video channel. You don’t need to worry about the results, because the combination can produce an attractive design.
Great combination of photos and illustrations | Left: Peterdraw – Right: Maea Studio
Ready to Create Your Own Illustrative Design Style?
Utilizing illustrations in content marketing can increase the engagement and attractiveness of any content posts you create. Besides that, you can apply this illustrative design style to various aspects of your business, not limited to content marketing. Be sure that the message or idea you convey can be represented by the illustration you use. Make the illustration an added value, not just a decoration or even a distraction.