Being organized can help you through the day more efficiently. However, so many people out there are better off living their daily life without any planner. Some say it restricts movement. Some think it’s too rigid, not flexible. Whereas, by having a list of planned activities, you can carry out all your activities in a more structured manner. Your time can also be put to good use, not just a matter of work or study, but also rest and have fun. It will even be easier to organize your activity using a planner Canva template.
Read also Boosting Audience Engagement Using Activity Planner Instagram Template
Why Use Planner Canva Template?
We are familiar with agenda books or planner sheets. Most of them are ready-to-use items you can buy in a stationary store. Unfortunately, not many people today are fond of writing by their own hands. So, having a digital planner template like the one offered by Canva is very helpful. Apart from this, what other reasons are there that make you have to choose the planner template Canva offers?
Easy to Use
Yes, one of the benefits of using a planner Canva template is it is easy to use. You can search for the planner template that suits your need on Canva via your PC or smartphone. Then, customize it. Put your activities or schedule in the blank columns. Or, you can rewrite the existing one with yours. Just type on it, and you will have a ready-to-use planner sheet.
Various Styles
The regular planner we have in the market is a formal, stiff, monotonous looking one. Some people find it boring. If you are not a fan, you can find other planner design styles through Canva. You can get the regular, plain style, a fun and cheerful style for your keeping, or even the planner design styles you might never imagine.
Although you edit the planner digitally, you can still get a hard copy of your activities. Canva allows you to adjust the paper size from the start. So, you don’t need to make other adjustments when you are going to print it. In fact, you can find specific sizes specifically for planners. You also don’t need to save it into another file type since you can print it directly using this app/software.
Planner Types Based on Time Allotment
Many people use planners for various purposes. Work planners that can help you keep day-to-day activities, meetings, deadlines, and payments. There is also a bullet journal that is perfect for people who love to keep it simple since it only records the highlight of your activities without any detail. Or try a financial planner to organize all your financial needs, like bills, expenses, income, and investments. And so on, so on, so on.
You can make any planner you need. But, if you want to try it as a beginner using the planner Canva template, you can try the timely-based planner. This timely-based planner can be applied to any activity, work, study, finance, fitness, or even travel planner. You only need to pick which one is the best fit. So, what do planners offer by timely-based categorization?
Daily Planner
For highly active and productive people, a daily planner is highly recommended. Of course, people like this must be able to manage time as effectively as possible amid busy activities. Not only for busy people, but the daily planner is also good for people who need to focus on day-to-day schedules.
Take a look at this planner template!
Using the daily planner allows you to allocate every activity hourly. Depending on the planner layout, you can add important information or activities you shouldn’t miss that day. It is a simple layout and design that is perfect for your work or other professional needs.
Look at other planner styles below!

Weekly Planner
As its name indicates, a weekly planner usually showcases a week’s worth of activities. This planner is not about the detailed schedule as per daily one, but it will be perfect to keep what you have to do in a week, especially if it is a repeated agenda. It is best to record your weekly meetings, events, and deadlines. Instead of hours, you will find the seven days of the week in one planner sheet or page like this one.
The template has a layout of school/lesson schedules. But, if you find the layout design too lax and almost too familiar, try this one instead. The design looks formal, and perfect for your work needs. If you prefer a more artsy style, the right planner design will be more suitable for you.

Monthly Planner
Compared to the daily and weekly planners, the monthly planner looks like a calendar by month. That’s why it will not be suitable for people who do the activities day per day. It is suitable for people with long-term projects. It is also perfect to be an activity tracker, like in workout, self-care even diet. The planner will be a big picture of the goals you want to achieve, so you can get a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Just like this planner Canva template provide you. State your goal in the goal column and mark the date on the self-care activity you take. The mark helps you keep in check and stay true to the goal. So, even when you cannot achieve your final goal well and as expected, you know what to fix.
Yearly Planner
Having a yearly planner means putting your targets, goals, and plans in one sheet worth a whole year. It is more like a resolution sheet divided into twelve months. In a yearly planner design, usually, there’s no room to put for the detail of what you do. It will only give you a general overview. Still, you can use this for your work and study needs. You also can use it as a compass to guide you to a more detailed action.

Ready to Try Your First Planner Canva Template?
The planner Canva template is here to help organize all of your activities. You only need to consider which one suit you the best. Nevertheless, you can combine the usage of all the planner types. Keep your life in check and live a better and healthier life with more organized activities.