Minimalist Elegant Reminder Canva


Reminding yourself and at the same time reminding others of a good deed will help you grow together into the better. Share your thought and good reminders of goodness on your Instagram post and story by using the Elegant Reminder Instagram Post and Story Template that suitable for a self-reminder, quote, daily life hack, positive inspiration, motivational words and many more.

To bring positive vibes to the post and template, this template uses soft and bright colors as the main color. The elegant of the template brought out by the divine and amazing design with a well-organized layout that will help you create the wonderful and meaningful reminder on Instagram.

Minimalist Elegant Reminder Canva

You will get 10 different and unique template designs for posts and stories in the Canva file that available in a PDF file as a link. Edit the color, image and text on the template by using Canva to make it to be more like your preference.