Turn Your Biology Lesson Presentation into Engaging and Attractive One

August 15, 2022

Many students struggle when it comes to learning science lessons, like biology. The higher the education level, the more complicated material taught. As a teacher, you can lighten your student’s learning burden by presenting a fun biology lesson presentation. It also can create a good engagement with students that will leave a deeper impression. The best lessons are the ones that leave an impression.

You may have all the knowledge to teach to the students. However, it is not enough to keep the students attending your class and gaining at least a passing grade. Regardless of all those duties, having fun while learning is important. That is when you have to create an entertaining and attractive presentation to keep the class engaged.

Steps to Create an Engaging Biology Lesson Presentation

Creating a more attractive lesson presentation is a must if you want a maximum learning results. Moreover, children today get bored easily. You have to be smart to get around so that your students can receive and absorb the lessons given well by using appropriate presentations. Then, how to make the presentation of the biology lesson the way you want and expect? Let’s follow the steps!

Also Read “Top Pick Presentation Templates for School, Boring Presentation No More” to Get Some Presentation Design Recommendations

Include A Lesson Plan

No matter how interesting the presentation of the lesson you present, everything will be meaningless if you exclude a lesson plan from it. Why do you have to include the lesson plan? To put it simply, a lesson plan is guidance for your teaching session during the class. Without this guidance, you will lose your way when teaching, and the material you really want to convey is not delivered.

In the lesson plan, you can introduce the lesson you will teach of the day with a brief explanation. Then, point out the lesson objectives to achieve by the students. Do not forget the most important part, the lesson material. Prepare the biology lesson material well to not confused yourself with the material to be taught. Including learning activities and assessment in the biology lesson presentation is needed as the actual class activity to make it effective.

Provide Interesting Stories

Biology is one of the subjects in school closely related to everyday life. To attract students to your lesson, you can create an interesting story regarding the lesson. You do not need to make a long-complicated story. A simple one is enough as long as it hooked the nail. You can split it into several slides. And do not forget, give some illustration and animation to make it livelier.

Starting your class with a story can trigger curiosity. Besides, it can also be a way to give a brief description of the material that will be delivered on that day. Engaging with the students will be easier, too. But remember, never overuse the stories. You can skip this part of the lesson materials if you think it is unnecessary.

Prepare Quizzes

For some students, quizzes can be a nightmare. Unless you can create a fun quiz and build a fun atmosphere, no student will avoid your quiz. Preparing quizzes not only can build engagement with the students, but it also can help you to identify students’ comprehension of the lesson material. Quizzed can be delivered in a various format that you include in the presentation, like a short question sheet, discussion group, or a raise of a hand method.

You can put these quizzes at the beginning of the presentation, even before the introduction. Then, lead the students in the biology lesson you will teach on that day. In this way, students receive and share the knowledge. To be more motivating, you can occasionally give rewards, in the form of added value or other forms of appreciation.

Play the Games

The atmosphere in the class is getting less enthusiastic? It is time for you to bring up the games to your class. Of course, you must already include the game in your biology lesson presentation and lesson plan to adjust to the lesson timeframe. Since you have spent years in your teaching career, you already know when your students experience boredom in learning, right?

Try various gameplay that is easy and familiar to play in a limited timeframe, like Bingo, Jeopardy, Pictionary, or make up your own games. Adjust the question and format of the game to the lesson you have taught previously. You can link the lesson presentation with the game presentation to make it easier for you to interact with students. So, don’t limit yourself to only one kind of presentation if you can make full of use various presentations at once.

Give a Break

Regardless of the variety of activities that you have packed, your students still need a break from each lesson session. In this break session, you can let the students take a rest, have a simple snack, go to the bathroom, and so on. Meanwhile, you can play a short video or music on the slide before continuing the class. You can spend a maximum of 5 minutes on this short break.

Alert! What You Have to Anticipate in Delivering The Biology Lesson Presentation

Even if you have made the best possible biology lesson presentation, there are still many things you need to anticipate. You will always be ready to face various possibilities by paying attention to various aspects. So, what to anticipate in the class?

Limited timeframe. Please always remember that you only have a limited timeframe for teaching. Just because you preoccupation with preparing lesson presentations, you do not pay attention to the time of delivering material and carrying out other activities.

Student’s mood. No matter how interesting the presentation you make, everything will be in vain if the mood is not supportive. You can anticipate this by building the mood first or, as already mentioned, giving a short break.

Unexpected event. There might be a time the activities you have designed in such a way turn out not work as they should. When this happens, you still have to be flexible. Show your composure so as not to make things more chaotic.

Be Confident! That is The Most Important Key to Your Biology Lesson Presentation Success

Your confidence is the ultimate key to the success of your biology lesson presentation. A great presentation design can help you boost this confidence. Practice your presentation material before the actual class to measure the time in delivering the material.

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