In applying for a job, you have to include your CV resume as the first assessment material the human resource in the company needs. A presentable and eye-catching CV holds a quite important role in whether you can go through the next step or not. A CV is your representation that summarizes all the detailed…[Read more]
Brand guideline holds a crucial role in strengthen your brand identity. Because your brand is more than just about a logo, typeface, or color palette used. Brand identity will portray image and present your brand personality across the media promotion to build the awareness. 6 Easy Steps to Create Your Own Brand Guideline The brand…[Read more]
Create The Best School Presentation Using These Recommended Templates Some people find that making a presentation for school is quite tricky. If it is too stiff, the audience will find it boring. But, on the other hand, if it is too casual, the audience will find it no professionalism. Facing this problem, finding the best…[Read more]
10 Best Business Corporate Presentation, Your Client Trust is on The Line
Make Your Business Stand Out with These 10 Best Business Corporate Presentation Presentation is one way to connect your business to the audience. The power of a well-made business corporate presentation will magnetize audience attention and even generate greater profit for your corporate. Creating a presentation for your business can feel a little bit daunting…[Read more]
10 Best Website Hero Templates for Your Business
Online business is getting more popular nowadays, since of the freedom offered by this platform. Modern technology helps us to boost and operate our business from any location. The image established on your landing page website becomes essential to bring credible and professional perceptions to grab your target market’s attention. Using graphic design services, especially…[Read more]
Start This Year with These Top 8 Instagram Templates for Business Company Facing this new year, many companies try to create a new image for the business they manage. This change will greatly affect the competition on digital media, especially on Instagram for a business company that is getting fiercer. Finding the best graphic design…[Read more]