Tag: user experience
Creating a responsive web design can’t solely depend on its layout. It needs other supporting elements, such as colors. They make the web visually appealing and functional across various devices and settings. As one of the fundamental elements, color has a role in ensuring that all visual elements enhance the overall user experience. Then again,…[Read more]
Navigation is one of the key elements in UI design, such as a website. It helps users to go through every page and part of the interface. However, not every navigation is visible to the user’s eyes. There’s an invisible navigation that will only appear if it’s triggered by some actions. Why use the invisible…[Read more]
Websites and applications have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. We put various inputs to get the result we want from them. However, do you know how our inputs result? The back-end part processes those inputs that are proceeded by an administrator. Like users who enjoy a user-friendly interface, an admin also has…[Read more]
To provide a good user experience, you must have a good interface first. With the right overall layout and design, your website can have good business development, especially in the long term. It is possible as long as you apply UI design principles. What are these principles? Why are they significant for the website or…[Read more]
The terms UI and UX are familiar to hear nowadays. Both are actually essential to give a great experience for the users. However, most people still get confused to differentiate them. Some people may think that those two are completely the same. Meanwhile, others find the two terms interchangeably. Thus, this article will explore what…[Read more]