Category: Design Style
In an industry like graphic design, where trends change easily, there is always the influence from the past that reappears. Designers might try seeking something new, unique, attractive, and up-to-date. However, is it only limited to what the present and future hold and provide? In fact, the retro style can come back to life and…[Read more]
Gradient Design Trend at A Glance: From Emergence to Revival and Modern Applications
Solid colors are what people usually use to paint a drawing or design. Thanks to the advance of technology, the gradient trend rose in the late 1990s and early 2000s. As it develops, gradients become a style in design and experience periods of ups and downs in design trends. The concept application is more extended,…[Read more]
People tend to like things that are unique, new, and different from what has ever existed. It encourages people who work in the creative world to present what other people expect. Brutalism is a style in graphic design that was born out of a desire for unique and unconventional design aesthetics. The brutalist design style…[Read more]
6 Basic Principles of Minimalist Design for Your Sophisticated Designs
A minimalist concept is timeless. From era to era, this design style always serves a fascinating look that gives a sense of modernity and artsy. From fine arts to architecture, it is pretty applicable. No wonder, many artists from various fields transform this style into their artwork. As a result, this style becomes more popular…[Read more]
Geometric Design Style: A Story, Characteristics, and Ideas that You Need to Know!
Geometric shapes are not a new thing in our minds. Ever since we are in elementary school, the teachers already teach us about these basic shapes. But, have you ever wondered where those shapes come from? Why many objects around us are squares, circles, or triangles? And what can you do with geometric shapes as…[Read more]
It is undeniable that the aesthetics of a design can influence whether or not the audience pays attention to your work. The aesthetic value of each design may vary. However, in today’s graphic design, you can find the term “aesthetic design” as one of the styles, not as a design principle. So, what does the…[Read more]
Illustration and photography are significant elements that can make a design work visually attractive and communicate information better. Each has its own benefits, pros and cons. People who love a clean and neat look may prefer using photographs. However, there’s a time that is better to use illustration. It is one of the reasons the…[Read more]