Tag: social media
Make Your Instagram Story More Engaging with These Ideas! Try is a Must!
For the past few years, we can see how many new social media come and gone that steal the spotlight. Even so, Instagram still shows its popularity and has become users’ first pick. With more than 2 billion active users, the Instagram story becomes one of the most favored features to connect will all followers…[Read more]
Competition in business is a natural thing. It even applies in the medical field, such as dentistry. The problem is how to become the most prominent among dental clinics or other dentists. Fortunately for us who live in this day and age because various social media can do the job. Of course, until now, Instagram…[Read more]
Illustration and photography are significant elements that can make a design work visually attractive and communicate information better. Each has its own benefits, pros and cons. People who love a clean and neat look may prefer using photographs. However, there’s a time that is better to use illustration. It is one of the reasons the…[Read more]
As long as you design or use designs, have you ever wondered what illustration means? Is it only limited to artificial images? Or is there another form that can be included in this category? Then what does it do in design? These might be the fundamental questions for those who are curious about design. However,…[Read more]
Start a new year with a new one. Even so, some things from last year should be kept as proof of the achievements we have gone through over the past year. So does Peterdraw Studio. In the last year, we have produced many designs with various themes and styles. Of all the works our designers…[Read more]
Since we live on planet Earth, keeping its environment in good condition is what we have to do. Unfortunately, not all humans take action to protect the environment they live. In 1970, the very first Earth Day was held to increase awareness and promote the environmental protection movement. Media publications, especially social media, have helped…[Read more]