Category: Template
Being organized can help you through the day more efficiently. However, so many people out there are better off living their daily life without any planner. Some say it restricts movement. Some think it’s too rigid, not flexible. Whereas, by having a list of planned activities, you can carry out all your activities in a…[Read more]
World Mental Health Day, Template Inspiration to Promote Mental Health Awareness
People nowadays are increasingly aware of the importance of mental health. It is thanks to the help of digital media and platforms in disseminating information. It also helped to realize the World Federation for Mental Health program that initiated World Mental Health Day in 1992. Today, we celebrate this annual awareness program every 10 October…[Read more]
Among the four seasons, which season are you most looking forward to other than summer? Although the weather is hot, many things can inspire you to do more. This season can even be a great inspiration to create social media feeds, for personal or professional needs. Creating a summer Instagram theme will be easy when…[Read more]
Start a new year with a new one. Even so, some things from last year should be kept as proof of the achievements we have gone through over the past year. So does Peterdraw Studio. In the last year, we have produced many designs with various themes and styles. Of all the works our designers…[Read more]
Since we live on planet Earth, keeping its environment in good condition is what we have to do. Unfortunately, not all humans take action to protect the environment they live. In 1970, the very first Earth Day was held to increase awareness and promote the environmental protection movement. Media publications, especially social media, have helped…[Read more]
Have you ever been satisfied when you see a certain design? Sometimes you can’t even understand where the feeling comes from. In fact, the design is not a complex one that can drop your jaw. In contrast, it is a simple design with a wide space that gives you a loosened feeling. Well, probably you…[Read more]
As one of the largest religions in the world, Islam has many holidays to celebrate and commemorate. Various celebrations are carried out simply or festively. Many people also capture the moment and post it on social media, especially Instagram. Therefore, many people use Islamic Instagram templates to make it aligned with the vibe. When you…[Read more]
5 Simple Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day
What a wonderful being woman. They are can work and do the housework all at once. They have their voice to speak out for their rights and stand out for themselves. In addition, they can play numerous roles that make them even more awesome. No wonder that every year, globally people celebrate International Women’s Day…[Read more]